Become A
Covenant Partner
We believe a church is a community of people committed to Jesus and his mission of renewal in their particular time and place. A “covenant partner” is a person committing themselves to the mission, vision, and community life of Nova Church.
Interested in becoming a covenant partner?
Here are the steps.
Take some time to listen to the messages from our past vision series, Flourishing Future. These three messages outline our vision, mission, and what it means to be a covenant partner.
Fill out our covenant partner interest form.
One of our pastors will reach out to set up a time to talk with you. This is a chance to hear more about covenant partnership and ask any questions you have.
We’ll set you up to attend an upcoming Partnership Workshop.
One goal of these workshops is to help you discover the unique gifts and passions Jesus has given you to use in his mission. We also want to open space for people to get to know each other. There will be some surveys and pre-work to help us do this. Come prepared to share some of your personal story and hear the stories of others.
At the end of the workshop you’ll have the opportunity to sign Nova’s Partnership Covenant.
We’ll schedule a time to recognize you as a new covenant partner and pray over you during one of our worship gatherings.
Curious, but not ready to commit?
That’s totally fine! Fill out the interest form and set up a time to meet with a pastor. You can hear more about covenant partnership and ask your questions. We want to help you consider whether covenant partnership is the right next step for you.