Lent is a time to prepare for the celebration of Easter. The season of Lent begins Ash Wednesday and lasts through Easter Sunday.
Here at Nova, this Lenten season we are exploring a sermon series entitled Creator/Creature: Embracing our Limits, Fragility, Brokenness, and Need.
The self-made man, the self-made woman. It’s the story we are told all of the time. But Scripture tells a different story. A story of being created in love by God. We are creatures made to live in dependency of a loving Creator. We are finite, limited creatures. Made to know and worship our Creator. Though we ran from God, God didn’t give up on us. What does it mean to embrace our role as beloved creatures of our God? To embrace our own humanity– in need of limits, rest, and mercy? To rest in the arms of our Creator?
As we journey through Lent, let us make space for the Holy Spirit to lead us into deeper places of formation.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5 at 7pm
Holy Week
with Nova Church
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 13th at 5pm
Good Friday
Friday, April 18th at 7pm
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 20th at 5pm
Nova Church is rooted in Denver’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, across the street from Dora Moore School, just a short walk from Cheesman Park.
1205 E. 8th Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80218
Call or Text
(720) 772-6021