What’s the point of prayer?

Many people feel unsure about prayer. What is prayer for and why should they pray? Yet we have this intuitive sense that prayer is important.

In this three-week series we’ll look at what Jesus taught his disciples about the importance of prayer. For Jesus, prayer wasn’t talking to the ceiling or empty introspection. Prayer was a living, dynamic connection with the God of the universe!

Rediscover the beauty of prayer and experience God's presence in your everyday life. Join us as we pray for God’s kingdom to come in Denver as in heaven.

Prayer is life with God!

Sunday, September 1 (Labor Day Weekend)

“As It Is In Heaven”
Scripture:  Matthew 6:9-10
Speaker: Chuck Fowler

Sunday, September 8

“Give Us Today”
Scripture: Matthew 6:11-13 Speaker: Claire Berger

Sunday, September 15

“Keep On Asking” Scripture:  Matthew 7:7-11 Speaker: Chuck Fowler

Prayer can’t be mastered. Prayer always means submission. To pray is to willingly put ourselves in the unguarded, exposed position. There is no climb. There is no control. There is no mastery. There is only humility and hope.

- Tyler Staton