Go find a quiet place where you can relax, Jesus seems to say: unclench your fists. Breathe deeply. Let your heart rate decrease. Know that you’re already bathed in the Father’s love, and ask simply for what you need in the assurance that the One to whom you’re speaking is already cupping His ear in your direction. That’s what prayer should be.
— Wesley Hill, The Lord’s Prayer: A Guide to Praying to Our Father

What is the spiritual practice of prayer?
It’s been described as communing with God, or talking with God. We can pray as we wash the dishes, or walk our dog or gather with the community of God’s people in worship. I find it helpful to pray as I walk. The movement helps me focus in a way that sitting still doesn’t.

How do I engage in prayer?
We see in Scripture that prayer comes in so many forms. In the book of Psalms (which has been called the ancient prayer book of God’s people), there are prayers of praise (yay, God!), thanksgiving (thanks, God!), confession (forgive me, God), intercession (help us, God. help them, God), and lament (I am angry with you, God. I am sad, God. Where are you, God?). Basically, our whole lives, the totality of the human experience, can be brought before God in prayer.

Sometimes prayer looks like being silent. Certainly, prayer includes being quiet and listening to God. In all of this, through Jesus, we have confidence to come right into God’s presence.

Practicing Prayer:
Try this practice. As you pray, imagine God smiling at you, turning his face towards you, welcoming you into God’s presence.

1 minute of silence

Pray the Lord’s Prayer (You can literally pray this prayer word for word, or use each phrase as a jumping off point to pray what comes to your heart and mind as you pray for “your daily bread,” etc.)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil,
for yours is the kingdom
and the power
and the glory forever.

1 minute of silence

As you engage in this practice, what do you notice? Where do you sense a connection with God? Do you find yourself tired? Bored? Frustrated? Just spend some time reflecting, without judgment. God meets us here is our reflection as well.